Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

Lydia Kilian

How the Arts Can Leverage Pinterest for Digital Engagement

How the Arts Can Leverage Pinterest for Digital Engagement

The social media platform Pinterest has only been around for a decade, but it is already the third-largest social network in the U.S. Although Pinterest is such a popular sharing platform, major art organizations do not appear to be using it to its full potential. Many leading institutions do not even have a public profile, meaning that they are missing out on important digital engagement opportunities. When used strategically, Pinterest can successfully promote an entire institution, a single program, or a department.

Considerations for Gamifying Education

Considerations for Gamifying Education

Educators who are interested in implementing gamification into their lessons should consider their goal and learning style of their students. This article details three important factors to consider when planning a gamified learning experience: motivation, generational differences, and design. The article also includes examples of applications that use gamification in music learning that can be applied by arts managers.

Gamification in Arts Education

Gamification in Arts Education

Recently, arts organizations have also sought to gamify different aspects of their institutions to engage visitors, increase fundraising, or improve marketing objectives. Although many industries—like the arts—are developing gamification concepts, many are not applying them in the most effective way. For educational programs to effectively gamify the learning experience they must understand gamification and all its parts.

Google Suite’s Top Features for Maximizing Analytics

Google Suite’s Top Features for Maximizing Analytics

Google Analytics is an indispensable tool for any business to better serve its customers, achieve business goals, and build successful marketing campaigns. Used by itself, analytics is a powerful tool that can help an organization optimize its website and customer pathways. However, integrating additional tools within the Google Suite of tools offers more nuanced and informative means of maximizing data integration and your understanding of your institution’s website connections and conversion. This research report gives a how to for 7 critical Google Suite tools to maximize Google Analytics impact.

The National Comedy Center: The Most Interactive Museum (To Date)

The National Comedy Center: The Most Interactive Museum (To Date)

The National Comedy Center is the '“first non-profit institution and national-scale visitors experience dedicated to the art of comedy,” but it does the genre justice appealing to both fans and non-fans (Variety). The museum opened in 2018 and has already been praised as one of the best museum experiences in the country, holding a 5 star ranking on trip advisor.

Integrating Music Technology in the Classroom: Increasing Customization for Every Student

Integrating Music Technology in the Classroom: Increasing Customization for Every Student

The following study investigates emerging technologies and their implications for music education, inside and outside the classroom. Learn how apps, digital instruments, practical aid technology, and wearable technology can be used to increase engagement and learning opportunities for music students in various settings.

Summer Road Trip Series: Barnes Foundation Image Recognition App Increasing Visitor Engagement

Summer Road Trip Series:  Barnes Foundation Image Recognition App Increasing Visitor Engagement

A summer long weekend in Philadelphia is inspiring by the many art experiences the city has to offer. Of the museums I visited I was most impressed by both the collection and quality of experience at the Barnes Foundation. The museum has a noteworthy collection of impressionist, post-impressionist, and early modernist artwork, which includes the world’s largest holdings of paintings by Renoir and Cézanne.

Using Technology to Assess Students in Music Education Programs

Using Technology to Assess Students in Music Education Programs

There are many ways that technology can aid in assessing students’ progress, for both the teacher and the student. One such application of technology in both the private or group music lesson is drill and practice software, which can “provide a more persistent learning since it allows a drill and practice at desired level and desired amount” (Nart 80).

Image Source: (Linden 535)