Artificial Intelligence

Models for Guaranteed Income, Resource-Sharing, and Pension Programs: Saving the Starving Artist & Cultural Sector

Models for Guaranteed Income, Resource-Sharing, and Pension Programs:  Saving the Starving Artist & Cultural Sector

As technology reshapes employment, artists face particular financial challenges, earning 30% less than their peers while lacking traditional benefits. This article examines how cities and organizations are testing new solutions—from guaranteed income programs to innovative pension schemes—to provide artists with greater economic stability.

Chasing Waterfalls: An Early Case Where AI Writes and Performs in an Opera

Chasing Waterfalls: An Early Case Where AI Writes and Performs in an Opera

The following case study analyzes an opera, Chasing Waterfalls. The opera, which premiered in Dresden, Germany on September 3, 2022, challenged traditional opera expectations by bringing a different way to integrate technology into the opera space. Chasing Waterfalls utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to write, compose, and perform its own aria live within the show.

January News: Ethics, Entertainment, & Sustainability

January News: Ethics, Entertainment, & Sustainability

Emerging tech is growing in leaps and bounds in the first month of 2024, with headline advances in AI, cryptocurrency, and VR. Conversation around AI ethics continues, and young advocates take the lead in promoting a positive AI future. Meanwhile, Apple Vision Pro launches for pre-sale, partnering with entertainment leaders like Amazon Prime and Disney+ to spark demand for the product. For those interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain, the SEC approved bitcoin ETFs, and more than $4 billion was exchanged on the first day of trading. Additionally, privacy concerns push Google Chrome to phase out third-party cookies by the end of 2024, though advertisers worry about Chrome's hold on the market. And, while blockchain is known for being less-than sustainable, Artists are considering the environmental impact of their work, and exploring regenerative materials in their practice - from fine art to set design. 

How AI is Leading the Textile Industry to a New Lease on Life?

How AI is Leading the Textile Industry to a New Lease on Life?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved from a concept in science fiction to an essential component of everyday life. With the AI software market expected to surpass well over $200 billion, its extensive impact is unmistakable. This article will delve into the deep relationship between AI and the textile industry, highlighting how AI is transforming this age-old craft in line with the sector’s rapid growth.

U.S. Copyright Office Ruling and Implications on A.I.

U.S. Copyright Office Ruling and Implications on A.I.

Generative AI in an art context raises a multitude of legal questions, one of the more important ones being, who owns the art? Is it the AI-tech company? The person who inputs the prompts? Some mysterious third party? More specifically, with the U.S. Copyright Office declaring that AI cannot be credited as an author on a piece of art, how does this change the legal landscape for the AI-curious and artists who already use AI as part of their creative process?

In The News: Summer 2023 & Upcoming Summer Break

In The News: Summer 2023 & Upcoming Summer Break

This summer has been full of new developments and controversies from social media and big tech to the blockchain and the growing A.I realm. We’re going to take a look at what has occurred this summer, and then take a break for a few weeks. AMT Lab will resume publishing after Labor Day, but until then… happy reading!