Web 2.0 Expo Updates — AMT Lab @ CMU

Web 2.0 Expo Updates

Technology in the Arts blog and/or podcast subscribers know that I despise the buzzword "Web 2.0." So why this week am I attending the New York edition of the conference that officially launched that term into our tech lexicon? Because no matter what you call today's interactive, social online experience, the tools and applications that serve as the foundation for the modern Web are incredibly important.

So I just arrived in Manhattan for the 2008 NYC Web 2.0 Expo, where I'll enjoy a full slate of sessions and workshops designed to "immerse" me in the concepts and practices that are shaping the "Internet Revolution." (Note: I forgot to bring my big red flag, so I hope I'm not left behind when we storm the digital Bastille.)

I'll be blogging from the Web 2.0 Expo all week, so be sure to check in every day for my regular updates. Better yet, simply subscribe to our RSS feed (how?) to have my entries delivered to you as soon as I post them.

Some of the sessions I'll be attending include:

If you have specific questions about Web 2.0 or the NYC Expo, please feel free to send them to info@technologyinthearts.org.

Also: Be sure to follow my Twitter feed for regular updates.