Learn about user experience design and how it can impact your arts organization through an American Eagle Outfitters UX designer and researcher.
What's On Your Phone, Natalie Howard?
AMT Lab Contributor Kate Grennan caught up with Natalie Howard, the Director of the Trinity Irish Dancers, a world renowned dance program based in Chicago, Illinois with additional locations throughout Wisconsin. She currently manages the Academy’s office and is passionate about working in the non-profit performing arts space.
What's On Your Phone, Natalie Howard?
AMT Lab Contributor Kate Grennan caught up with Natalie Howard, the Director of the Trinity Irish Dancers, a world renowned dance program based in Chicago, Illinois with additional locations throughout Wisconsin. She currently manages the Academy’s office and is passionate about working in the non-profit performing arts space. Click here to learn more about her favorite apps!
What's on Your Phone, Carrie Nardini?
Contributor Kristen Sorek West speaks to Carrie Nardini, the founder and Director of Pittsburgh’s I Made it! Market, about her favorite mobile apps. Click here to read the full interview.
Podcast Episode #82 - Tech Tips for Small Arts Organizations
In this episode, the Technology in the Arts team discuss 10 tech tips to help small arts organizations maximizing their effectiveness while minimizing the impact on their budgets.
Topics include: all things Google, free broadcast email, social media strategy, establishing a mobile presence, using Facebook as your brand, location-based social media platforms, TechSoup Global, and more!
Cool Sites of the Episode:
Podcast Episode #80 - Mobile App Development at the Warhol
In this episode, Thomas talks with the Andy Warhol Museum's Josh Jeffrey, the Web and Digital Media Manager, and Tresa Varner, the Curator of Education, about their new mobile apps and the development process behind them. From augmented reality to silkscreening on the iPhone, no two apps at the Warhol are exactly alike.
Cool sites of the episode:
The Andy Warhol Museum - The home of everything Andy Warhol, this Pittsburgh based museum features work by the artist as well as exhibitions of contemporary artists from around the world.
Brunner Digital - This advertising and software development company worked with the Warhol on many of the apps mentioned in the episode.
Toura - Focused on tourism and travel industries, this mobile software development company has worked with the Warhol as well as multiple other museums and cultural institutions.