On this month's Let’s Talk, Victoria and Andrew dive into the Twitch security breach and the privacy implications of Facebook attempting to build out the metaverse (a 3D virtual space where people interact with each other as avatars in a real-world space) when it seems they, and other Big Tech companies, have little concern with people’s private information. The two take some time to discuss the importance of these events for arts organizations.
The Future of Digital Arts Marketing with Erik Gensler
Podcast Episode #82 - Tech Tips for Small Arts Organizations
In this episode, the Technology in the Arts team discuss 10 tech tips to help small arts organizations maximizing their effectiveness while minimizing the impact on their budgets.
Topics include: all things Google, free broadcast email, social media strategy, establishing a mobile presence, using Facebook as your brand, location-based social media platforms, TechSoup Global, and more!
Cool Sites of the Episode:
Podcast Episode #76 - Virtual Lobbies, Facebook Advertising Strategy, and Online Marketing Hits and Misses
In this second podcast episode in a three-part series (1 | 3) featuring interviews from the National Arts Marketing Project conference, we talk with three arts professionals about their marketing successes (and some misfires).
We lead off the episode with Amelia Northrup interviewing Sara Billman from the University Musical Society about the UMS Lobby - a virtual space, accessible year-round, where UMS offers multiple streams of engagement activities.
Next up, David Dombrosky talks with Robert Gore from Theatre Development Fund (TDF) about strategic tips for success with Facebook ads. These tips are simple and easy for any arts organization to implement.
Finally, Amelia wraps up the episode by interviewing the Susannah Greenwood (aka The Princess) of Artsopolis, the Silicon Valley’s ultimate online guide to arts and culture, about the various online marketing strategies that Artsopolis has employed (both successful and not-so-much) as well as ways to engage Gen Y audiences.
May 11th Webinar - Market Smarter with Google and Facebook!
2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern Presenter: Erik Gensler Registration: $25.00
Google and Facebook offer a suite of free to inexpensive marketing tools that allow you to target and better understand your online audience. This webinar will focus on helping arts organizations use Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and Facebook advertising to market smarter.
Over the course of this 90 minute webinar, Capacity Interactive's Erik Gensler will discuss:
- How arts organizations can optimize Google Analytics understand how users are interacting with your site and which user behaviors are tied to sales. We will discuss basic reporting and set up as well as custom set up and ecommerce tracking.
- How to use Google AdWords to increase traffic to your site. You will discover how your orgnization can obtain up to $10,000 in free AdWords advertising per month. You will also learn about the Google Content Network where your organization can place banner ads on thousands of sites across the web from one central hub.
- How to target Facebook users that are interested in the programming your organization offers. You will obtain tips for crafting ads and micro-targeting users to make your Facebook advertising efficient and cost-effective.
Listen to Brad Stephenson's interview with Erik from last summer's Technology in the Arts podcast: [display_podcast] Erik Gensler is the president of Capacity Interactive Inc. - an electronic marketing consulting firm whose client roster includes Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Carnegie Hall, New York City Opera, and Roundabout Theatre Company. Capacity Interactive helps arts organizations strategically employ interactive tools to engage audiences, build community, and market smarter.