Twitter Art...or yes, ok, Tw-art.

Artists are using Twitter to create art in both online and real-life ways.

In The Murmur Study #1(above) and Installation1, the online platform generates what becomes "real world" art. The Murmur Study is a collaboration among Christopher Baker, Márton András Juhász and the Kitchen Budapest, and uses a thermal printer to print out microblogging correspondence in real time on multiple continuous sheets. In Milwaukee, Installation1 prints out follower's tweets on translucent pieces of paper and piles them on the floor daily, allowing anyone (that means you!) following @Installation1 to collaborate with their 140-character-or-less thoughts.

In some cases, the online platform is completely removed from the equation, but is referenced in our offline reality. This is seen in Questionmarc's Twitter Street Art, which generated a good deal of online buzz there for a minute.

I have to say, though, my favorite intersect of art and twitter has to be Jenny Holzer's Twitter feed. Holzer is a conceptual artists who has been using text as her medium of choice for over three decades. Her work focuses on public spaces, and appears as projections of words onto buildings and other surfaces, or words running along an LCD screen, street posters, and plaques. And now you can get her tweets directly.