NPAC — Podcasts & Interviews — AMT Lab @ CMU


Technology in the Arts #44

In our most recent episode, Brad travels to Denver, CO, for the 2008 National Performing Arts Convention, a gathering of performing artists, arts groups and service organizations from all over the country. The song used in this episode is Rocky Mountain High sung by members of Chorus America, the national non-profit service organization for choral music. Visit their Web site for more information about their programs and services.

This episode features Brad's interviews with:

We also have some photos to accompany this week's episode:

Funny. He doesn't smell dead.

Carlin and I raise a glass to NPAC.

Yikes. And, no, that's not a purse on my arm.

Disclaimer: Contrary to what the photos indicate, I did other things in Denver besides consume alcoholic beverages.

Reminder - If you have any questions or interesting discussion items, please send them to


Podcast - Technology in the Arts #44