
Technology in the Arts #48

The Steve Project is a research effort to determine how social tagging can best serve the museum community. Steve is a collaboration of museum professionals that view tagging tools as valuable new mechanisms for describing and accessing museum collections and encouraging visitor engagement with museum objects. Susan Chun and Rob Stein are two of the Steve Project coordinators, and they're Brad's guests this episode.

The song used to close this episode is I'm with Steve Now by thehipcola. The song was downloaded from the Podsafe Music Network, a phenomenal resource for podcasters.

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Podcast - Technology in the Arts #48

Technology in the Arts #47

Merlin Mann is the creator of and primary contributor for 43 Folders, his family of websites about personal productivity, “life hacks,” and simple ways to improve your life. Merlin's writing has been featured in publications such as WIRED, Make Magazine, Popular Science, and Macworld, and he's delivered productivity talks for companies like Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Adobe, and PIXAR. Photo by Jeremy Harris

Merlin is also one of the hosts of You Look Nice Today, a hilarious and often explicit take on adult life.

The song used to close this episode is the soundtrack from the You Look Nice Today video game (this is a joke... don't rush out to Gamestop). This version is a remix by one of the YLNT hosts, Scott Simpson.

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Podcast - Technology in the Arts #47

Technology in the Arts #45, launched in January 2008, is about connecting people through art and design. It is a free, open platform for artists, art professionals, art enthusiasts and anyone with a passing interest in art. The platform combines social networking, directory services and user-generated content. The site is publicly accessible but currently in beta. was founded by Dylan Fareed and Manish Vora, Brad's guests for this episode.

The song used in this episode is I Feel Fantastic by Jonathan Coulton. The song was downloaded from the Podsafe Music Network, a phenomenal resource for podcasters.

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Podcast - Technology in the Arts #45

Technology in the Arts #43

In our most recent episode, Brad interviews podcast superstar Leo Laporte. Yes, we agree... the arts connection is a bit loose on this one, but Brad's a Leo fanboy so cut him some slack.

Handy dandy episode links:

  • TWiT Live - Leo's live video feed
  • Stickam - Leo's weapon of choice for streaming video
  • Aviary - Leo's cool Web tool, which is currently in beta and open only to invitees

The song used in this episode is The Lion Sleeps No More by Amaryoni. The song was downloaded from the Podsafe Music Network, a phenomenal resource for podcasters.

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Podcast - Technology in the Arts #43

Technology in the Arts #37

In our most recent episode, Brad and Jason discuss Google's new free collaboration tool and why you sometimes get more than you pay for... even if you pay nothing! Use the following handy-dandy links to follow along with the episode:

Google Sites - Quickly create a network of internal or external sites for free. You can add and edit pages, attach documents and upload audio and video files.

PC Mag's 157 Best Free Software List - Amazing software that can be yours for the low, low price of nothing.

Mac OS X Server Software - With a little effort and a bit of cash, you can set up your own Mac-based internal network.

Cool Sites of the Episode

Brad & Jason: - Our special presidential campaign edition. Tell the world what Hillary Clinton is doing at this ridiculously simple yet highly addictive and popular Web site.

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Podcast - Technology in the Arts #37

Technology in the Arts #36

In our most recent episode, Brad and Jason discuss "crowdsourcing" and technology portfolio management. Use the following handy-dandy links to follow along with the episode:

CNN's iReport - You report the news by submitting photos, videos and stories. - Chicago Public Radio's content sharing site.

The Kennedy Center - Since opening in 1971, the Kennedy Center has continued its efforts to fulfill his vision—presenting the greatest performers and performances from across America and around the world, nurturing new works and young artists, and serving the nation as a leader in arts education.

Cool Sites of the Episode

Jason: - Site of the self-proclaimed "actor, author, commentator, playwright and general layabout."

Brad: Siti Extended Ensemble (SEE) - The interactive online community for SITI Company.

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Technology in the Arts #34

In our most recent episode, Brad and Jason present their list of New Year's resolutions every arts organization should make in 2008. Technology Resolutions Every Arts Organization Should Make for 2008

1. JASON: Research and Experiment. There are plenty of free, online or downloadable demos for all kinds of software.

2. BRAD: Back up your data. Buy an external hard drive and buy a backup software. If you have Mac's new Leopard operating system, you can use Time Machine to back up your stuff. If you run Windows, there is a piece of software I use at home called Acronis True Image, and you can get it at Best Buy or through the web site.

3. JASON: Don't fall for the hype. Resist the buzzword. Which buzzword? All of them. Don't fall in love on the first date, people.

4. BRAD: Educate yourself. It is very easy to add a few items to your daily task list that will help you stay on top of technology. Visit, and, three great sites that feature all things geeky.

5. JASON: Befriend a geek. We're people, too, you know. And some of us are lonely. Besides, geeks love to talk about the latest tech, what they've done with the latest tech and what the latest tech can do. A 15 minute conversation bouncing ideas off the geek down the hall could save you some time with the consultants down the street.

6. BRAD: Contribute. Plug into the interactive Web by trying an online social networking tool. Go to and create a free account. Go to and start a free blog. You'll never know if a tool might have some practical purpose for your organization if you don't start using some of them.

7. JASON: Lock it down! There have been a number of high-profile data theft cases in the news of late. Your constituents won't be very happy if their credit card numbers happen to walk away from you. What are you exposing to the internet? Who has access to it? What kind of security are you running internally? Who can see what? How often are you changing passwords and network keys? It could happen to you!

8. BRAD: Aggregate. Aggregate. Aggregate. Whether you use Google Reader, the Firefox Web browser's built in module, Outlook 2007, or any other tool, start increasing your personal efficiency by using an aggregator. Aggregators, also known as feed readers, are tools that let you enter RSS feeds and have the content come to you. They pull syndicated content to a single location for easy viewing.

Cool Sites of the Episode

Jason: - Actors (all human) play out Garfield comic strips from the past three decades, then the result is remixed to a tangentially-related song. Art project? Time-waster gone awry? Both? My current favorite: 3/24/1979.

Brad: Speaking of getting an aggregator, check out Tiinker learns what you like to read about and adapts. It's like Tivo for your RSS feeds.

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Podcast - Technology in the Arts #34

Technology in the Arts #31

Podcast - Technology in the Arts #31

In our most recent episode, Brad and Jason discuss Thanksgiving, the Broadway stagehand strike and the popular constituent management database Salesforce.

Use the following handy-dandy links to follow along with the episode: - Updates on the stagehand strike, which fortunately came to a close on Thursday, Nov. 29. Read more about the agreement that was reached. - Web-based customer (or constituent) relationship management. Check out the company's nonprofit resource center at

Photosynth - Microsoft-developed tool that takes a large collection of photos of a place or object, analyzes them for similarities using complex algorithms, and displays them in a reconstructed 3D space. - Brad's "Cool Sites of the Episode" entry. This online artist community allows members to maintain and manage a roster of friends, family and fans, and share their art with their network and the general public. - Jason's "CSotE" entry. This site cuts out corporate lenders and lets people borrow money from other people.

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Technology in the Arts #25

Podcast - Technology in the Arts #25

In our most recent episode, Brad and Jason discuss Bjork's never-ending weirdness, the term "bleeding edge," a pixel-based stained glass window and controlling your computer with a Wii-mote.

Use the following handy-dandy links to follow along with the episode:

ReacTable - The tabletop synthesizer.

Sony Reader - Portable reading device that uses a "digital paper" technology.

Photo Scene Completion - A project at Carnegie Mellon to create a new image completion algorithm.

Pixel-Based Stained Glass - Gerhard Richter's stained glass window.

Wii-mote Computer Control - Eric Loyer's Wii-mote computer project.

Technology in the Arts - Check the official site for information on the conference's 2007 programming.

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Technology in the Arts #23

Podcast - Technology in the Arts #23

In our most recent episode, Brad and Jason discuss Guitar Hero, Office 2.0 and more Second Life. And our ongoing - possibly never ending - challenge still stands: We're still waiting on someone to send Brad a MySpace page that looks good. The first person to achieve this seemingly impossible task will win a free lunch.

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Use the following handy-dandy links to follow along with the episode:

Guitar Hero II - Not really arts-related, but it's the best video game of all time

HotHand - Audio effects with the wave of your hand

WiiWare - Now anyone can create games for the Nintendo Wii

Second Life Theater Workshop - New Media Consortium's digital theater activities

Virtual Plays - Guardian Unlimited article about Second Life theater performances

"Office 2.0" Database - Excellent list of office productivity tools

Technology in the Arts - Check the official site for conference information

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